Quantum of open-source projects all over the globe and place of C# among the five most well-known programming languages are two pointers. NET in the improvement of development sector is evident. NET evolution to its cross-platform version i.e. There are several architectural and functional differences of.

NET describes the importance and continuous feedback of customers about their experience. The sequential development of versions of. In the product development and management area. This paper reviews the object-oriented metrics and analyses the difference through a comparison table following that, several suggestions are provided to researchers and system developers. The Chidamber and Kemerer metrics suite is best suited for measuring the object-oriented design metrics.

This research not only reviews both manual and automated design tools for the estimation of object-oriented metrics for mobile applications, but also proposes a novel approach for estimating the metrics by recognising individual metrics and estimating the re-usability factors in a dynamic manner. The metrics are generated in different ways owing to the change of mobile technologies and other marketing factors. Developers generally implements applications on different platforms, such as the Android in Java and Windows in C#, by having the metrics estimation conducted automatically since manual calculation is difficult. The estimation of object-oriented metrics is essential in the software engineering domain, including measuring the software code complexity, and estimating the size and quality of the products. Object-oriented metrics play a crucial role in development of a software product. Increasing and maintaining the software product for multiple applications remains to be a challenging task. In the 21st century, mobile applications could be built using different object-oriented languages like C#, Java and object-oriented framework.