GitHub open source projects is one of the best ways to take a part (even if it’s a tiny one) in the development of real big projects, collaborating with other coders and developers.

Later you can add these projects to your resume so you could apply to Java Junior Dev jobs with pride, so to speak.

One simple and effective way to go around this would be working on some open source projects to get more real knowledge and practice your programming skills. So, in order to get a first job you need to have experience that you cannot get without having a job. This is because just knowing Java is not enough to get a job, even if you managed to solve literally every task on CodeGym (with more than 1200 tasks in our course, good luck with that), you would also need some real applicable working experience to be considered worth hiring. Work on open source GitHub projects to make your resume look taaastyThose who were looking for their first job as a Java Junior developer upon completing CodeGym’s course know that this task may be not that easy or even very hard, depending on the location you are looking to work at. We are doing our best to help you succeed in finding your first coding job by providing you with all the information and knowledge on how to become a developer that any company would be willing to hire.

We also realize our responsibility for those who complete the course, get all the knowledge that it can provide and start looking for a full time job as a Java developer. At CodeGym, our goal is not just to teach our students (users) how to code in Java from scratch.